Marie Thibeault

Marie Thibeault’s vivid oil paintings take the metal and right angles of the urban landscape as their point of departure. Informed by the artist’s experience of living near the postindustrial Port of Los Angeles, Thibeault’s paintings exert an almost magnetic pull on the viewer. A frenzy of line and color, they seem to enmesh the viewer in an environment of metal and sound and sky. The tensions that knit together the industrial and natural worlds are a recurring theme in Thibeault’s work. Her handling of color evokes the landscape and color field school of abstract art, while the energetic linework that dominates her canvases gestures to the early 20th century Italian futurists. Thibeault received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and her MFA from the University of California at Berkley. She is currently a Professor Emerita of Art at California State University Long Beach where she teaches painting and color theory.