Jerrold Burchman
Los Angeles based painter Jerrold Burchman has had a rich career, one characterized through the decades by persistent innovation and exploration of the play between color and form. Burchman’s work has been exhibited widely in the United States and Europe and can be found in both galleries and private collections. The American tradition of abstract expressionism as well as the central place of intuition and the unconscious in European surrealism both shape the art historical context of Burchman’s oeuvre. Imagination and invention characterize his compositions, which brim with expressive value. A sensitivity to color and opacity is another thematic vein that distinguishes Burchman from other 20th century abstract painters. Burchman received his BA and MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles, and has won the prestigious Prix de Rome. He continues to paint and teach in California, more recently producing works of a smaller scale with graphic, patterned elements.
Falling From GraceAcrylic on Canvas 36" x 36" SKU: BU101
Dance for Turner 3Acrylic on Wood Panel 36" x 24" SKU: BU103
Modern Dance 2Acrylic on Canvas 48" x 36" SKU: BU107
Primal Dance 11Acrylic on canvas 60" x 48" SKU: BU110
Passeggiata 33Acrylic on Wood Panel 15" x 60" SKU: BU113
Giotto's Table #9Mixed Media on Paper 22" x 30" SKU: BU119
Giotto's Table #10Mixed Media on Paper 22" x 30" SKU: BU120
Spring Table Series #6Mixed Media on Paper 22" x 30" SKU: BU121
La Piccola 10Acrylic on Wood Panel 12" x 12" SKU: BU125
Primal DanceCollage on Board 10" x 8" SKU: BU129
Primal Dance 13Collage on Board 10" x 8" SKU: BU131
Five Steps to HeavenCollage on Board 10" x 8" SKU: BU132
Modern Dance 15Acrylic on Wood Panel 24" x 84" SKU: BU134
Modern Dance 7Acrylic on Wood Panel 24" x 84" SKU: BU136
Patterns 111Acrylic on Canvas 48" x 36" SKU: BU138
Conversation at Midnight 4Acrylic on Canvas 48" x 36" SKU: BU141
Fragile Balance 4Acrylic on Canvas 48" x 36" SKU: BU142